
106 Audio Reviews

43 w/ Responses

"DGDRJ-A Night to Remember" by JoePorter134*

Acting- 43/50
Range- 18/25
Fit- 19/25
Mixing- 15/20
Originality- 13/15
Writing- 12/15
TOTAL- 120/150

Comments: There was a lot of clipping and some reverb that was covered up by loud SFX. The engine in the beginning should have faded away as it drove by. The voices sounded very similar (except the nerdy cop), especially when yelling. The arguing should have been led into instead of suddenly starting. "Nigeria" lol. Good energy. It was a bit confusing since everything just kind of came out of nowhere, but I was eventually able to catch up with what was happening.This would be even better as an animation with the amount of action. It was pretty funny too. Overall, I would suggest investing in either a preamp or a mic with a sound pad built in to help with the clipping. Also, spend a bit more time on your post production to make the skit flow better.

"Ngvac Antr, Radio Show" by KeepYourDistance*

******MOST ORIGINAL*******

Acting- 42/50
Range- 23/25
Fit- 20/25
Mixing- 14/20
Originality- 15/15
Writing- 14/15
TOTAL- 128/150

Comments: There was some dead air and background noise from the computer. There was also minor reverb from the room. The stereo balance was off a bit. I would have chosen a slightly different voice for the DJ; it just didn't sit right with me. I really liked Gilbert (Godfrey?). Dj should have been more smooth in transitions like an actual DJ. Some of his lines sounded a bit like awkward improv. I would have used a phone hang up effect instead of the static. Bane's voice wasn't too bad, but not as powerful as it should have been. DJ's voice changed at beginning of burglar call. Burglar 1 was good. I could hear a potentially excellent mad scientist voice in you. Not a bad skit over all and it was a really good idea. Overall, there are several small things that you could fix, but once those are made better, I think you could be a great talent.

KeepYourDistance responds:

holy shit

"I Remember! - The Musical" by ecopper12*

Acting- 47/50
Range- 20/25
Fit- 23/25
Mixing- 13/20
Originality- 14/15
Writing- 14/15
TOTAL- 131/150

Comments: There was some slight static and some puffs/pops. All the voices sounded similar other than the individual accents. This was really original. I really liked the criminal's voice. The energy was great. It was little different for me to judge because of the singing, but I could hear the characters coming to life throughout the skit. Great job writing something to match the music too! Overall, even though the characters were audibly different from each other, I would have liked to hear even more range and more from the 3rd voice.

"Unforgettable night" by MEISHT*

Acting- 13/50
Range- 15/25
Fit- 23/25
Mixing- 2/20
Originality- 14/15
Writing- 11/15
TOTAL- 78/150

Comments: There was some really bad static throughout the whole recording. I could tell this was done all in 1 take. There were a lot of mouth noise such as breath, pops and puffs along with some random thumping background noises. A lot of this was whisper acting. Most of the recording sounded like you were reading a book rather than acting out a scene. Overall, this really should have been recorded with each line separate and mixed together afterwards. I really don't know why there was so much static. Sounds like a problem with your mic or the wires. Either way I would invest in a new mic as well as a pop filter. Backing up from the mic when you record will also help eliminate the mouth noise.

"A Night to Remeber" by vinnw541*

Acting- 17/50
Range- 16/25
Fit- 21/25
Mixing- 1/20
Originality- 11/15
Writing- 12/15
TOTAL- 78/150

Comments: The entire recording was full of mouth sounds like pops, puffs, breaths, and swallowing. It was like I was listening from the inside of your throat. The range was so-so. The falsetto voice started weak, but got better. I would have liked the russian(?) sounding voice to be deeper. Your screams were extremely fake and lifeless. The skit sounded like you were playing with action figures. The Gollum voice was a bit unoriginal. The skit was also all in 1 take. The fear and dying sounds that the characters made weren't believeable much like the screaming. Overall, you really need to try to get out of that self concious state and comepletely lose all inhibition to get the best from your acting. Also, record each line seperately and mix them together after. To get rid of the noise, back up from the mic when you record, invest in a pop filter and learn how to use your recording program's noise removal.

"Nights to Ignore" by KirbzVA*

Acting- 41/50
Range- 22/25
Fit- 21/25
Mixing- 15/20
Originality- 15/15
Writing- 12/15
TOTAL: 126/150

Comments: There was a small bit of dead air/static haze behind everything. The Irish (or Scottish?) accent was off. I Got lost a bit among the voices constantly switching. There was a little bit of trailing off and mumbling making a few words hard to understand. I would have liked to have heard more enthusiasm with several of the voices. The nerd had the most energy, but the lisp made some words hard to understand. I Would have kept it to less voices to make it a bit less confusing. I really liked the themeatic music based on the story being told and the unique way of using the theme! The Nerd Was my favorite voice. Overall, this was pretty good. I would work on your diction, kick up some of the voices, and look into some good sound removal for that background haze.


Acting- 41/50
Range- 24/25
Fit- 25/25
Mixing- 13/20
Originality- 15/15
Writing- 15/15
TOTAL- 133/150

I like the "infomercial idea" and a nice skit for Halloween! You had some peaking/distortion issues. Wanda is my favorite voice by far. You do an excellent angry black lady. The other characters that were interviewed could have had more emotional range. It's very important for audio only skits. At times those other characters sounded a little like you were reading and not acting natural. Of course the narrator is supposed to sound that way, but the werewolf and mummy could have been a bit more like wanda in regards to reactions to the interviewer. The accent for the mummy also sounded forced. Overall, it was a very entertaining skit and I really liked the narrator and Wanda's voices. Other than the distortion, you mixing was pretty good and the whole skit was a cool idea. Nice jingle at the end!

Acting: 38/50
Range: 16/25
Fit: 20/25
Mixing: 10/20
Originality: 13/15
Writing: 13/15
TOTAL: 110/150
Additional Comments: There were a few characters that sounded a bit too similar like the host and the wolfman as well as Mumford and Mr. Ghostly. I thought it was pretty clever working in Halloween into the theme. Not much to the mixing.

Acting: 30
Range: 20
Fit: 17
Mixing: 19
Originality: 12
Writing: 13
Total: 111
Review: Coming into this entry I wasn't sure what this was about, but quickly saw where you were going with your concept. The idea of monsters planning and controlling Halloween may not be a new concept, but it is one that I would personally find teadious and mind numbing. Planning any type of event makes me shudder as surely there will be those that will be unappreciate of my work. However, you might want to step it up and the emotions conveyed in the acting. Sure I could feel that the monsters were tired and bored with their jobs, but it wasn't puting off bad job "vibes" to me. Your range was pretty good which leads me to think that you might have been focusing more on the voices rather than the acting. I myself am guilty of this and I have had to work on it. Your mixing had no real issues in my opinion and I liked how you made some characters voices talk over others. Good job there. The writing, whie not bad, was somewhat predictable. This also is something I struggle with, so don't feel bad. Overall though I think you did a good job, and I can't wait to see what you come up with in the future.

Acting is pretty well done, you were talking a tad bit faster then your typical person, but I guess the reason for that is your time constrant since your maxed out on your allocated time. However your expressions are authentic and clear enough to get the point across. Which is what matters. The werewolf and the zombie sound almost identical to one another, everyone else has a more unique voice though. I kinda question the fit of Mumford and the witch, when I first heard mumford voice I actually thought he was a vampire at first. Plus the witch sounded like a sterotypical black woman, but I'll be leniant since it is a female voice. Good use of background sounds(even though you can hardly make them out) and a good choice for music. The creativity is diverse here, the biggest twist was that ghostly makes sure that everyone hates their jobs.


Acting- 45/50
Range- 23/25
Fit- 21/25
Mixing- 17/20
Originality- 12/15
Writing- 13/15
TOTAL- 131/150
There is a lot of dead air behind your recording. Hiss reduction would do wonders for you. Your acting was over-the-top which is a good thing. It made your skit interesting and brought you characters to life. The narrator sounds a bit like Zasz from Batman. I'm not 100% sure what the bad job was, shoveling horse shit? The best voice acting happened with the guy bein tortured. You act out pain well which can be hard. And your "evil acting" is good too. I'd recommend you for villain roles. Overall, the acting was very good, maybe could sound more natural instead of like you're acting on stage. Other than narration, you don't need to speak to the audience. Other than the hiss, the mixing was good. Great job!

Range: 20/25
Fit: 18/25
Mixing: 15/20
Originality: 13/15
Writing: 13/15
TOTAL: 121/150
Additional Comments: The beginning voice immediately reminded me of Emo Philips. I thought it was kind of strange how much higher the character in the story is compared to the same character in the narration. It seemed like a whole different character voice. I thought about it and maybe it was because he was suppose to be younger or something in the story he was telling. But perhaps you meant for his angry voice to be that much higher, as part of the characters
insane nature. Maybe a sort of Jekyll and hyde thing. But still I feel like it was just way too different to be the same character. I could tell you were going for a more creepy tone with the acting by speaking kind of slowly as the narrator and having sudden but really short dynamic shifts in pitch in your dialogue. But like I said, that doesn't really stay consistant with your "story version" of the character. Which seemed high pitched all the time and crazy compared to the creepy and methodical sound of the narrator.

Acting: 46
Range: 21
Fit: 20
Mixing: 19
Originality: 15
Writing: 14
Total: 135
Review: Dark and ominous, you do a great job painting a picture in my head and your narrative caught my attention and held it. I felt the gradual increase in malevolence and madness. Acting was really good. Your range was good too, I loved the way you went to younger versions of your main character while still staying true to his tone. Good job. I really have nothing else to add here. I feel that you did an excellent job. I can not wait to hear more.

You did a excellent job with the tones of the evil genius's voice as he rises from a pitiful minion, to evil mastermind. Credits to the torture victim, very authentic. although you had several voices for the evil genius, all your other characters are a bit lacking in screen time but whenever you had a diffrent character on scene, the voice was very unique. Everything is a perfect fit, but you point out in the comment that he was supposed to decend into madness, but he sounds quite sane from my perspective, even though that evil laugh was terrifying (serious) which preserves your score. I'd give a perfect score, but theres a very noticable problem, your microphone peaked at 0:24 and 0:40-0:45 of the track as well as at 1:23-26, if your using a recording program such as audacity, check to make sure that your pitch doesn't go off the chart and consider decreasing your mic volume if you except to be yelling a lot, (you can amplify it later with editing). A story of an evil genius's rise to power, an orginal concept I suppose, and he wins in the end.The story was very good and the plot made sense, up until the final scenes of the skit, such as at 2:45 and later, the genius says that he was too naive to realize something, but.. that something never makes itself clear. Plus the genius or his career is not affected at all by it.

Acting- 47/50
Range- 25/25
Fit- 20/25
Mixing- 15/20
Originality- 13/15
Writing- 15/15
TOTAL- 135/150
I'm not sure if there's a reverb from your recording space or if you added some echo, but either way it should have been removed if possible. Also there was either dead air or it was part of the ambiance you chose and again, I would have taken that out if possible. Only dialog and a few SFX would have been fine. Your voices are varied nicely. Your best voice was the stereotypical gay voice, but they were all pretty good. The counselor's voice was kind of forced and went all over the place throughout the skit. When he started crying, it would have been better if you turned it up a notch. Overall, other than the background issues, the mixing was pretty good. I really enjoyed the skit and it made me laugh out loud. You do great characterization and I encourage you to keep making skits, possibly a demo and audition for some productions!

Acting: 48/50
Range: 25/25
Fit: 25/25
Mixing: 19/20
Originality: 13/15
Writing: 15/15
TOTAL: 145/150
Additional Comments: Amazing range. If I was to nitpick it would be that the doctors voice wasn't PERFECTLY consistant throughout the clip, but pretty frickin close to perfect. Entertaining.

Acting: 35
Range: 15
Fit: 24
Mixing: 19
Originality: 15
Writing: 13
Total: 121
Review: You have a pretty good concept here, a tired doctor having to deal with couple's problems everyday. Certainly a bad job. With your acting however it seemed a little flat and forced. More emotion is what was needed here, it was just a little to dry for my tastes. Your Range also was around the same register, also the doctor sounds like a different person in the end than he was in the beginning. Consistencey is key. Your mixing was well done, a few things here and there such as some some pops and clicks nothing big. I really liked how you had the couple talking over each other. Your writing was good but could have been polished a little more I think. Overall, I think you did a pretty good job here and I can't wait to hear more from you.

Total 140/150
Your acting with the doctor is perfect, even with that thick accent you managed to get his emotions/expressions across exceptionally well. Everyone else was also very good. although I can make out a few similarities amongst the doctor and couple here and there, they are very subtle and don't deter your work much. The bitchy diva voice was BRILLIANT! The hillbilly doctor and secretary voices were an amazing fit as well. Par use of sound effects, and an good choice of music for the conclusion, nice job. Meh.. Marriage counsunler... Wait a second, hes a hillbilly..? HIS PATIENTS ARE GAY!? WUUUUUUT!? nice creative twist to what would of been a cliche skit. You throw in a lot of plot twists in here, probably as a creative way to keep things interesting, the plots thick and it makes sense overall.

I'm a pro VA. I run the Voice Acting Contests here on Newgrounds. Feel free to message me about VA related things or whatever!

Josh Musser @JaShinYa

Age 36, Male

Professional VA


Joined on 7/7/09

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