"MMO - The Musical" by FoxPirate715*
Acting- 37/50
Range- 23/25
Fit- 24/25
Mixing- 15/20
Originality- 14/15
Writing- 10/15
TOTAL- 123/150
Comments: There is some dead air that bleeds through, especially when the music stops. Also, it's a little awkward when the music abruptly stops so to fix that you usually want some sort of audio cue as to why it stopped (for example: a record scratch). This is the second musical entry I've heard in this competition and there's like I told the other VA, these can be hard to judge since singing lines drastically changes the acting. I gave the other a better acting score for 2 main reasons- He concentrated on making the music parts sound more acting-centric where as yours seemed like you were really concentrating on making the music sound good which isn't what this contest is about. The other reason is all around, the acting seemed more like you were just reading lines. There was emotion, but you didn't really get into the characters' heads. Lastly, during the contrapuntal the voices kind of got lost in each other. The things I liked about this is that you have a great voice; singing and acting-wise. It was also pretty good range which tends to be particularly hard for newer female VAs Overall, I think you have a lot of potential. I'd really like to hear something with only acting for the next contest and in the mean time, work on getting into your character. Overact! A lot of times, if it seems like you're going over the top, you're probably not. If you are, it's easier to tone it down than to dial it up.