"Stuff Happened One Night" by Rehab-Reject*
******BEST RANGE*******
Acting- 47/50
Range- 25/25
Fit- 25/25
Mixing- 14/20
Originality- 14/15
Writing- 15/15
TOTAL- 140/150
Comments: There was a little dead air, and slight distortion like you used a bit too much sound removal. Also, it sounds like you used a reverb effect since you were in a mansion, but the distortion plus the fact that you cut the lines off before the echo ended made it weird. There was also some puffs/pops in some recordings and clipping as well. A few more things with the echo... the character that got called shouldn't have had the effect put on hi lines since he wasn't in the house, and to be honest the echo you chose just didn't really work. I think it would have worked better if you left it out all together save for the ghosts since it helps with the spectral sound. Now that I'm done with the mixing and specifically that echo, you had really good range. One of the best in the contest, really. Acting wise, I really liked your emotion. However, a lot of the lines you read had the rare problem of being overacted. This is a MUCH better problem than underacting. Overacting shows you have the energy and character down, but it tends to make the lines sound a little phony. Your best reads were the ghosts and when the main guy was screaming (which was really impressive). Overall, the biggest problem was the mixing decisions. Some background music would have been really good along with getting rid of that damn reverb. haha. As far as your actual acting goes, you have excellent talent. The best thing for you to do at this point is to go back and compare the lines I pointed out to the rest of it. With all that said you did a good job and I'd live to work with you some day!