VAC7 Comments
I feel your evil guys voice could have used more energy and variety of inflection. The heros voice wasn't quite the fit I was thinking. And during the longer dialog it sounded like you were reading dramatically instead of getting into the character and acting.You also might want to find something to kill the reverb. It's not that bad, but it is noticable. The louder lines were also clipping. On the plus side, the elmo voice was pretty spot on and you had very good range among the three voices. The energy and acting did step it up towards the end. Overall, a good job!
I like your evil voice. He had a bunch of great lines and sounded like he could really be enjoying human tartar. Now I wasn't really on board with the Elmo voice I really can't put my finger on it but it just wasn't doing it for me. Your hero's voice just sounded a bit lacking as far as emotional range. He felt like he could have had a more anger in his voice and the 'shot in the leg' scream, while good on the acting side, lacked on the mixing side do to horrible clipping. I did really like the Elmo to evil voice at the end though.
The acting is very well done, I had no problem telling what emotion or though was going through each character. The heros voice seemed extremely exaggerated, but then again, it might have been what you were aiming for. Voice range is a bit lacking, it seems to me that the heros voice is simply the villan but with a much higher pitched voice, however what kept your score from being really low was that amazing elmo voice. It really stuck out from your other voices. Villains voice, dark and sinister, Heros voice, enuthiastic, Over the top and young. Elmo... oh god.. childish.. and phycho. Do I need to say more? Hero and Villain, a typical story, but how you presented this story is a concept that is rarely used, parodying cliche heroism and the villian knowing exactly how the hero was going to operate is a uncommon idea. Your sound effects, voice tuning and use of music are spot on and perfectly executed. Although I'd like to know how the monster managed to oppress humanity to begin with, the story sets up some really good humor I had quite a few chuckles and laughs with your script. You also managed to string it all together pretty well. I love this idea, the Elmo scene had me laughing my head off, AND HIS VOICE IS SO FREAKY! OH MY GOD! but still, but I still gotta be a critic.