Some of you may know and listen to Voice Acting Radio... well now Golden Pipes Entertainment is stepping in a new direction with another podcast (VA Radio is still going. new episode to be done live this Tuesday night). The new one is called Uncivilized Behavior so for those of you that enjoy the raw comedic bull shit of life, this show is for you! An episode was just released today! Here's a description of the show:
This is the chaotic hot mess that is Uncivilized Behavior! Join Josh, Thoren and Jerry as they converse about things from their contemptible minds and other fun crap!
Myself, mrbipolar, and sirkillington are the hosts! Let us know what you think of the show and all that shizzy izzy.
Also, here are some links you may want to check out regarding VA Radio and Uncivilized Behavior:
VA Radio
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Uncivilized Behavior
- Facebook
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- Google+
- Store & iTunes coming soon
sounds like you're having more fun with UB! Keep it up!
It's a blast! Maybe we can have you on one week when you're not doing the moving thing!