I'm a pro VA. I run the Voice Acting Contests here on Newgrounds. Feel free to message me about VA related things or whatever!

Josh Musser @JaShinYa

Age 36, Male

Professional VA


Joined on 7/7/09

Exp Points:
1,202 / 1,350
Exp Rank:
Vote Power:
5.31 votes
Audio Scouts
Global Rank:
B/P Bonus:

JaShinYa's News

Posted by JaShinYa - September 16th, 2011

Hey all you VA's out there! The NG 7th Voice Acting Contest needs YOUR talent! There are prizes and glory to be had!

Prizes are NG store credit + Front Page! Also, Voice Acting Radio will feature the top 4 entries on their show which will give those winners some notoriety and exposure to amateurs and pros within the industry!

Even if you're new to voice acting, this is a great chance to be noticed, sharpen your skills, and get some great feedback from those of us that have been doing this for a while.

The judges are myself, Bryson Baugus, Andrew Dryden, SimCorder, and Seymour. Feel free to PM any of us with any questions you have!

Voice Acting Contest Needs VA's!

Posted by JaShinYa - September 2nd, 2011

Calling all Voice Actors! Voice Acting Contest 7 has just started!

There's prizes and recognition to be had! Even if you just started with voice acting, join to get some notice and to sharpen your skills!


Check out Voice Acting Radio (Sponsoring this contest)!

There are tons of skits right here on NG from VA Radio! Check them out and vote 5!

Posted by JaShinYa - July 29th, 2011


Voice Acting Radio is back and better than ever! Hosts Andrew Dryden, Bryson Baugus, and myself are starting of strong with Episode 14 "Launch the Ferrets"!

Also, the 2 skits from this episode are on NG, so give them a listen and rate a 5!

Bear in Da Woods

Imaginary Friend-in-a-box!


Posted by JaShinYa - March 26th, 2011

Woo! Lots of news!

Golden Pipes Entertainment is my new company that I plan to use to encompass all of my creative endeavors. With that said, a lot of said endeavors are in need of help!

Critical Point- I'm still looking for an awesome artist/animator to co-produce a new comedy series that has already garnered a lot of high expectations. If you are talented in this area, contact me by pm or at goldenpipesent@gmail.com

Critical Point (The Podcast)- I'm looking for a co-host and partner in my new comedy podcast, "Critical Point". Critical Point has tie-ins with a series that I am pushing, but will really stand alone in the podcasting world. It will be a satire on life, society, pop culture, etc... The podcast will be under my company, "Golden Pipes Entertainment", but if the co-host has a company of their own, I am definitely willing to call it a collaboration. Anyone involved will get cuts of the revenue.

If you are interested, please remember some basic qualifications:
-Must have a great sense of humor
-Must have good recording quality
-Must be charismatic
-Must be dedicated
-Must be flexible-ish

Those who are interested, the audition process is as follows:
-Bring out your best mic, recording software and vocal cords.
-Record an mp3 of something that you feel like talking about.
-Use your humor and wit. Don't hold back!
-Send that mp3 as an email attachment to goldenpipesent@gmail.com
-Wait at least 2 days for a response to confirm receiving the email.

I've got some other plans in the works for Golden Pipes Entertainment and this is just the start! I can't wait to hear from all of you.

VA Radio- That's right! VA Radio has been revamped! Be on the lookout for new episodes! Soon to be on itunes.

Newgrounds Podcast- I'm still waiting to hear back from Tom for permission, but I'm planning on starting a short podcast to showcase NG in all of its splendor. I will be looking for a co-host for this as well as long as everything is groovy with The Fulp.

The Pen is Mightier Publishing- If you love literature, then you should keep an eye out for updates on my new literary company. I'm in the process of moving a lot of my publications, but I'll keep everyone posted.

Lots of other plans, but I think that's the main stuff for now. I'll let everyone know when there's more progress and pages to help everyone spread the word!

Thanks everyone!

Posted by JaShinYa - January 11th, 2011

Check it! A brand new podcast! This is for those who love entertainment, comedy and enlightenment!

A taste of the first episode is up on Newgrounds!
Episode 1: Ginger Genetics and Cosmic Jello Make for a Great Pilot

You can check out the entire episode on our website!

Be sure to follow us on Twitter and Facebook.

We'd especially love your emails: brainstormshow@gmail.com

Keep an ear out each week for a new episode!

The Brainstorm Podcast

Posted by JaShinYa - October 12th, 2010

Well! I moved back to Pennsylvania. I know, I know... "Why would you move away from Hawaii??", you ask. As it turns out, Hawaii is a good place to visit, but not a good place to live. The economy is EXTRA bad there, everything is expensive, drugs and homelessness are rampant and the time difference greatly hurt my chances of being hired for pro voice overs.

So I'm back and concentrating on my other passion- writing. While I wait for a decent recording area, I have finally got around to launching a site for my literature. You can visit it here: Stories by Josh Musser

Here are some links of interest if you would like to follow and help promote my writing!

Keep an eye out for my writings on NG too! I am entering the Halloween contest as well as the upcoming NG Anthology.

On the voice acting end, I will continue once I have a reasonable place to record. However, this does not mean you can't still follow my work and spread the word! You may still contact me to voice in any projects of yours as long as you have a longer timeline as it may take a month or two to get back in the groove of things. Either way, I will post some more links that you can check out for my voice over work.
Musser Voice Overs

Currently I have a couple of things that I still need to record for. One of them is a collab here on NG! You can check it out here.

That's it for now! Any help spreading the word about my work is greatly appreciated! If you would like to contact me, feel free to post a comment or PM me. Thanks!


Hello PA!

Posted by JaShinYa - August 18th, 2010

New studio means new audio submissions! Look out for a bunch of submissions in the near future! I've already posted one audio version of an article written for ebolaworld.com (expect at least one per week)

Also, my professional demos have been released to the audio portal, but you can listen to them as well as check out my info and portfolio at my website: musservoiceovers.com

Posted by JaShinYa - August 7th, 2010

HEEYYYY!!!! Two months later and I'm finally back in action! I'm here in Hawaii with internet and a finished studio (save for a few finishing touches) and I'm ready to get to work! If you have need of a voice actor or writer, hit me up!

If you're just curious about me, visit my website: Musser Voice Overs

Check me out on facebook or follow me on twitter!

And of course you can ask me a question here!

Hope to hear from you all soon!


Posted by JaShinYa - May 15th, 2010

I'm moving to Hawai'i! My finace and I are leaving on the 30th and arriving on the 31st. Once I'm there I will have my own recording studio and will be able to concentrate on voice acting and writing! great news for me and anyone else interested in my services. For anyone interested, I am accepting requests, but I won't be able to work on anything until June. Anyone living in Hawai'i, let me know!


Hawai'i or Bust!

Posted by JaShinYa - March 17th, 2010

A new article by me is up on EbolaWorld! Check out "The Real Reality"! I post new article every Wednesday. be sure to check out the other guest author's articles and of course Sam T's animations.

In voice over news, I was hired by another company! This time by AllofMe, a company that designs apps for the iPhone and iPad!

Remember, if you need a voice over, give me a PM. I'm also still looking for an animator for my series, "Critical Point". (You must be able to storyboard as well)

You can also fan me on facebook and follow me on twitter!


New EbolaWorld Article and Some Voice Over Stuff!